A day at HLabs with Project Manager, Leticia Gomes
Ever wondered what it's like to be at the centre of a creative agency workflow, juggling multiple projects and acting as the axis between clients and the team? We’ll tell you all about it here! In this article, We'll spend a day with one of HLabs' Project Managers, and 2023 BIMA 100 winner, Leticia Gomes. She shares the joys and challenges of her role, emphasizing the significance of curiosity, kindness, and meticulous note-taking in navigating the complexities of project management. From her favourite Slack emoji to her most memorable milestones, discover the world of project management through the lens of our lovely Leti.
Some of my favourite projects I've worked on.
Give us an overview of your role as a project manager at HLabs. What does a typical workday look like for you?
Mornings are crucial for us! By 9 a.m. I need my coffee cup and water bottle full, and a tidy desk to jump straight to emails to check any urgent messages from our clients and to start listing the work that needs to be done that day while cross-referencing with Slack. With that I get the allocation list prepared and sent to our project management channel.
After the initial allocation and daily meetings, I’ll jump straight into briefs with our designers and producers. From then on, I can prioritize my inbox, replying to our clients and to other colleagues.
Every day is different, but some of the things I support involve contracts; scoping and tracking projects' profitability and progress; content delivery and organization; QAs; the list goes on… The variation in the tasks is something really interesting, and it allows me to be part of all aspects of the company.
What aspects of your daily routine do you find most enjoyable or rewarding?
What I enjoy most about being a PM is being able to communicate with clients and other team members to find ways to facilitate all workflows and bring exciting content to life! I also really enjoy finding some solutions to some tricky problems, it is a real sense of accomplishment.
What's it like working across every aspect of the business and being a crucial touchpoint for clients and the team on a daily basis?
Is a big responsibility, that’s for sure! But teamwork, when done correctly, is one of the nicest things about any job – so is an amazing opportunity to be able to work in that realm.
What’s been the biggest milestone of your PM career at HLabs?
Here’s my top 3, cause I couldn’t pick just one! The rush of the first project I managed on my own going live, working with some incredible clients whom I’ve admired for years and getting to grow their accounts and implement new processes. And receiving a BIMA100! Pretty neat :)
How do you manage daily work-life balance whilst working remotely?
Is definitely something I need to keep improving and learning. Because communication is rapid with Slack, you do need to be mindful and not aim to reply to everything ASAP. Some things and moments require a bit more time, but those pesky red dots do tend to make things move faster.
Working on many projects daily, is there any you loved working on? Any unexpected twists or learning experiences throughout the project?
The first project we did with Mattel’s Global Consumer Insights team is one that stands out. Not only was it an amazing collaboration with that team, but also a really great study and I got to work with copywriting and editing, as well as PMing, taking it back to my roots (my BA was in Journalism, the area in which I worked the most in before joining HLabs).!
In your daily routine as a project manager, do you find yourself leaning more towards writing formulas or creating timelines?
I never thought I would say this… But I’m enjoying the formulas! Is so nice to challenge yourself in a language you are not 100% familiar with, but with some trial and error, and a bit of Google’s assistance, you can find a whole new world of productivity!
If you had to cosplay for a day for an office dynamic, who would you go as?
Maybe it is cheating, cause I have the costume handy, but it would be Padmé, from Star Wars. She was such a huge inspiration to me as a kid, so would love to incorporate some space diplomacy realness into day-to-day life!
What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
How many Slack messages do you send in a day and what's your favourite Slack emoji?
Had a peak at Slack analytics, and on average about 121 messages a day now! That’s crazy, but it’s definitely a reduction (at one point I was in the top 3 messages sent of all time, due to splitting each line as its own message, and a bit of an inside joke hehe).
My favorite slackmoji is :cowboy-cool-cry-mild-panic: – it cracks me up!
What are your top three tips for aspiring project managers to help them navigate the daily aspects of the role?
Curiosity, kindness and taking notes! Will take you a long way.
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